Our EPIC team

Josh and Kristan Lepik

We are a husband and wife photography duo. Currently we reside in Southern Colorado and love capturing special moments that will last a lifetime. Photography for us is not just a job but a passion. We each have our own love of it in different ways.

Josh’s journey with photography started at 10 years old, growing up in Montana next door to a photographer that worked in a local camera shop and often shot for National Geographic. He showed Josh the most beautiful parts of Glacier and Yellowstone. They would capture shots of big horn sheep, wild bison, bears, eagles and the most epic landscapes. The passion grew until Kristan gifted Josh his first DSLR before a trip to Hawaii in 2010. From there, he realized he had a gift to share taking photos of people. It has been full speed ahead since then!

Kristan’s journey with photography began in her twenties when she began using her artist’s eye combined with her knack for making delicious food to create and capture edible art. Her ability to perfectly light plates of food quickly grew into a passion for detail shots. Kristan’s ability to see the world differently allows her to utilize light in interesting ways and allows our clients to experience unique photos like they have never seen before. Kristan’s favorite part of photography is getting to use her artistic eye to create original artwork for others with imagery. Kristan believes there is beauty to be found in everyone and she helps bring this to light in each person she meets.

Education & Experience

 We believe that education is important. Photography is not a destination, but a lifelong journey and we believe that education plays a huge role in what we do. We have invested thousands of dollars and years of time ensuring we stay current on the industry. From our unique posing instructions, to our ability to light and tell stories, we ensure we provide a memorable experience our clients will not forget with images they will cherish a lifetime.


TWOMANN University – Currently there are less than 400 photographers worldwide with this certification.  We graduated from TwoMann University in October 2021 where we spent the better part of the year learning from Erika & Lanny Mann of TwoMann Studios. TwoMann studios are world renowned wedding photographers and currently 2 of the top 10 wedding photographers in the world. During this intensive course we honed our skills in documentary wedding photography, storytelling and enhanced our editing style. Throughout the entire course we worked alongside Lanny & Erika, received tailored feedback and brought our photography to a whole new level. Upon graduation, we officially became TwoMann Certified! Having this seal of approval from TwoMann Studios is a huge accomplishment for us.


We are currently lifetime members of SLR Lounge. An online education workshop from Lin & Jirsa Photography out of California. SLR Lounge provides ongoing education to the photography industry around wedding photography, senior and family portraits, off camera flash, editing and more.. Our work has been featured on their website and blogs throughout the years and in 2020 we were deemed “Members of the Year” based off our work and contribution to the photography community. 

Our CORE Values

We believe that every person is beautiful, strong and powerful. We strive to bring out these characteristics in every client and truly show everyone their true value and worth through photography.

We believe that you cannot hit the ceiling of personal growth and development. We believe that in order to succeed we must continue to educate, grow and never settle for “good enough”.

We believe that family is the most important part of our lives. Families fight together, laugh together and grow together. Families are the foundation of life, generation after generation.

We challenge the norm of photography and creativity. We do not settle for what has always worked nor are we afraid to make mistakes. We challenge changing times and grow with our clients needs.